First login to your Digital Ecosystem, select the "
Get 5 Star Reviews" tile, then
Select the
Product Reviews Embed tile.
Select the option to configure the
Product Details Embed. In this section you will be able configure the look and behavior or your embed.
Title of review section: Enter the title you want to display on the Reviews section of your website.
Reviews visible by default: Allows you to specify how many reviews are displayed.
Enable product review ratings overview: Showcase review rating count.
Enable photo gallery: Publish review photos submitted by reviewers on your reviews page.
Enable product review search: Allow users to search by keywords or phrases for a specific review.
Enable filters: Lets users filter and sort based on Latest, Highest Reviewed, or Most Votes.
Enable "Was this review helpful" feedback: Allow users to indicate if a review was helpful or not helpful with a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Select Platform: Select your ecommerce platform to setup the product details embed; Select from others, ECWID, and Shopify.
Some of the details on the directions will change based on what you select in the "select platform" option.
Follow the next steps to add the embed to your eCommerce website.
Add embed to Shopify store:
Login to the admin area of your Shopify store.
On the left hand navigation, select
Online Store, then
Themes. In the area titled
Live Theme, click the
Actions drop down to
Edit Code.
Copy the code snippet form the Product Reviews Integrations page:
Search for the "
product-template.liquid" file, and past the
<div> area for the product display. Click
You can now refresh, and check the front end of your eCommerce website for your reviews.
Show Total Reviews Count:
If Enabled will display the Total Reviews Count of the Product.
Show Average Rating:
If Enabled will display the Average Rating for the Product.
Show Aggregated Review on Hover:
This will display a small Hover Card showing the ratings.
Select Embed Background:
This will display a background color behind the rating.
Select Platform: Select your ecommerce platform to setup the product details embed; Select from others, ECWID, and Shopify.
Some of the details on the directions will change based on what you select in the "select platform" option.
To add embed to Shopify store:
Login to the admin area of your Shopify store.
On the left hand navigation, select
Online Store, then
Themes. In the area titled
Live Theme, click the
Actions drop down to
Edit Code.
Copy the first code snippet form the Product Reviews Integrations page:
Search for theme.liquid file and add the below code on the header. Click Save.
Next, c
opy the next code snippet form the Product Reviews Integrations page:
Search for product-template.liquid file and add the below code before the Product price <div>
. Click Save.
Search for product-card-grid.liquid file and add the below code before the final <div>. And past the same code, click Save.
After adding your star widget embed, refresh any of your product pages to verify if it is installed correctly.