How do I create a shared calendar in Webmail?
Webmail allows you to create multiple calendars, which you can share with other accounts within the same domain.
There are two permissions available for sharing calendars.
They include:
- Read Only: Allows specified accounts to view calendar information. Editing is not permitted.
- Edit Events: Allows the specified accounts to edit calendar information once they have subscribed.
Note: If you grant Edit Events sharing level across the domain, anyone subscribed to this calendar can make edits to the details – including the delete option.
There is also some flexibility in the types of access granted within a calendar. For example, if you share a calendar with View Only permissions, others can only view the calendar events; however, if you add a specific email account with Edit Events permissions, only this account will have edit permissions for the calendar.
Note: Permissions to edit shared Calendar Events are administered by the owner of the calendar.
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