How do I style a container on my website?

How do I style a container on my website?

In each container there are three styling options:




Alignment changes the position of your first element: top, center, or bottom

Top alignment:

Center alignment:

Bottom alignment:

Select Span Settings and then select the Container icon. The following are your styling options:

·         Container Image

·         Add Container Color

·         Container Position

·         Remove Element on Mobile

Select the Container icon to add a container image.

Drag and drop an image or click to upload one from the Media Library.

The container image has now been added.

Note: More of the image will be visible once you add additional elements.  

Add a color overlay to the image under “Add Container Color”. Adjust the transparency under “Transparency”.

Image dimension set to 100:

Image dimension set to 60:

Adjust the position of the background image under “Container Position”. By default, the image is set to center. Adjust the image left to right and top to bottom.

Select “Remove Element on Mobile” to hide an element when viewed on a mobile device.
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