Video Walkthrough: To update your logo on your website, select the Manage Your Site tile. To make edits to your header, hover over the header section and select the gear icon. Select “Logo” to replace the logo, add image alt text, and adjust the ...
To change your website's name, select the “Manage Websites” link. Hover over the three dots and select “Edit Website Name”. Update the name and select “Done”.
To change an icon, select the Manage Your Site tile. Select the icon, and then select Edit. Search for a new icon option and click to apply it to your website.
To add an image to your website, select the Manage Your Site tile. Select the + icon on the section you would like to add an image. select the Media icon. Upload an image from your computer or select an ...
Video Walkthrough: To make changes to your website's header, select the Manage Your Site tile. Hover over the header section and select the gear icon. Select “Logo” to replace the logo, add image alt text, and adjust the logo’s position, width, ...